The new HVAC machine was installed recently at the Barnes and Noble

They will be using HEPA filters, and their new HVAC machine will be equipped with some kind of air cleaner.

A short while ago, our 6-year-old nephew Tony spent the week with me. He’s so intelligent for his age, so I allow him to express himself how he wishes. When he visits, I constantly let him choose what activities he wants to do, and he never fails to surprise me with what he goes along with. There was a time when we ended up at a historic museum that I had not been to. It was so fantastic to see how interested he was in all the different things, however this time around, Tony wanted to go to the Barnes and Noble. I was blissful about that because I do enjoy going to Barnes and Noble. I haven’t been in quite some time, mainly because of the pandemic. Well, when we pulled up, there was a very large crane in the parking lot and some construction vehicles. One of which had the logo of a major Heating and A/C machine provider here in town. At first, I was thinking that the Barnes and Noble was closed, but the doors were open, so all of us made the choice to go in. Upon entry, all of us saw a sign that Barnes and Noble was upgrading their Heating and A/C machine to improve indoor ventilation. They will be using HEPA filters, and their new HVAC machine will be equipped with some kind of air cleaner. This made me totally comfortable knowing that our local Barnes and Noble is taking these measures to make it truly safe for us to breathe the air while all of us are inside the building. Having the proper Heating and A/C machine is so crucial, especially in these times. Being at the Barnes and Noble and seeing what they were doing, made me think about possibly upgrading our own Heating and A/C machine at home.


quality ac service