He certainly wasn’t such an expert afterall

I did end up getting a automobile from a shady dealership

I used to have a neighbor who claimed to be an expert on working on automobile engines. He was able to get my jeep engine fixed plus he even refilled the A/C compressor so the A/C system was working again, all both of us needed to do was use some refrigerant so that both of us could refill the A/C compressor, although I was delighted about my weather conditions control working plus I had him work on my cars over the years. He did alright for the most part, although he certainly made me mad with the last 3 vehicles I had. I had this nice SUV that worked fine for awhile until I had him change the oil. It turned out that he got the wrong oil filter for the SUV plus the oil pressure went practically down to nothing. He claimed that all those oil filters were basically the same plus it should work fine. He even insisted that I continue to drive the automobile even though I felt it was struggling. I should have listened to my gut, however that automobile was no longer running after a couple of weeks after that oil change with the wrong filter. Then he said he could fix the engine plus asked me to buy a bunch of different parts he needed. Well, all this time went by plus he never fixed the thing. In the meantime, I bought this cheap van that lasted me a long while, although I never let this guy change the oil in any of my vehicles anymore. I did end up getting a automobile from a shady dealership. I should have checked the oil however the oil was dry even though there was a fresh oil change sticker on the windshield. I ended up taking them to court plus sued them for selling me a lemon.


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