Since I found out about this company, it has been my dream to work there.
It is a non-profit company that provides farmers with seedlings, fertilizer as well farming tips for a small fee.
This company also provides financial assistance to these farmers to improve their livelihood. I first found out about it through my aunt, who is a beneficiary. After doing my due diligence to research it, I felt that I had sufficient information to ace an interview if there ever was an open position. To my surprise, a month after, I applied for a vacant position. This position needed someone with people management skills and experience in working with HVAC systems. Experience working in an HVAC business would be an added advantage. Fortunately, I have worked as a cooling expert for three years at a local store. The job description included providing air conditioner tune-up services including keeping the HVAC ducts clean and regularly checking on the duct sealing. I would also sell equipment such as the heat pump, the mini-split air conditioner, and all types of temperature controls. This equipment improves the livelihood of the farmers by increasing the indoor air quality among other creature comforts. I passed the first round of interviews and proceeded to the practicals. The room where my group was directed was small and had numerous pieces of equipment. I was nervous and started sweating when the invigilator noticed. He adjusted the temperature with the thermostat which significantly improved the indoor comfort. This cooled me down and I proceeded with the quest of becoming the new contractor. I illustrated how to install a new air conditioning system and integrate the zone control system. I was very confident that the cooling specialist would pass me through.