When I went to buy air filters for my central heating and A/C program last time they were all sold out of the official HEPA air filters that I buy.
I am not used to entirely having any other kinds of air filters other than the HEPA brand air filters for my central heating and A/C program unit.
So I had to buy these generic air filters instead because I could not go separate from any air filters in my central heating and A/C unit. If you do not put some kind of air filter in your central heating and A/C program it will possibly cause it to work overtime and eventually burn out the motor. And that could mean either a motor replacement or the investment into a brand modern and easily luxurious central heating and A/C program which would cost thoUSnds! This is why I had to settle for generic air filters. Well I will tell you that having these things were not the same. They entirely did not make the air quality in my lake house easily nice and I ended up having to change these air filters at the end of every single week! Not good! I eventually got fed up with it all and decided to just go online and order some HEPA brand air filters from this one website and have them shipped to my house. Sure it was a little more luxurious, although I would do anything to have my HEPA air filters over these generic air filters that were not doing me nor my central heating and A/C program any good.