This may be out of the ordinary, but I do all my own landscaping.
The reason for this is when I hired professionals to do it all the pollen from the trees and everything would get into the air and the air quality would make my allergies go nuts.
Even my portable air purification system could not handle it. Doing it myself I wear a mask and I cut things carefully so that it does not mess with the air quality all around me. You may get a little bit of bad air quality when all is said and done, but with that my portable air purification system takes care of it all. The bad air quality only lasts a few hours anyhow if I do the landscaping myself. When the professionals do it they use different equipment and different methods which makes the air quality bad for a whole day afterwards. I end up really having issues because of it. This is why I stopped having them do it and I do it all myself now. Air quality is very important to me because of my allergies. I had thought about getting a whole home air purification system at one time, but whole home air purification systems are very expensive and I can not afford that kind of investment. So doing the landscaping all myself is what makes it possible for me to not suffer so much and not have to even think about buying a whole home air purification system. My portable air purification system works for that.