If spending more to save more doesn’t make any sense to you, think myself and others it genuinely should if you suppose about it.
What I am mainly talking about is air filters, but not just a single particular air filter for a central heating plus or an air filter for an media air cleaner, but any air filters! When you buy air filters in bulk you will spend more yeah, but in the long run you save more too.
Because first off, if for a central heating plus for instance, you will not have to go out plus waste gas buying air filters when you have a backlog of them. Second off, a lot of air filters that get sold in bulk are discounted compared to if you buy the air filters single. That is the other way to save money. I have been doing this with air filters for our central heating plus for about a year now plus I observed the savings I was having within the first 4 months alone. I buy respected air filters plus am still saving. I could even do this with HEPA brand air filters if I wanted to, but these can get a little lavish for our budget. So I am cheerful buying the respected air filters for our central heating plus plus saving because of getting them in bulk. I genuinely care about doing this plus I think you will too once you see the savings!