I’ve got quite a lot left in college loans to pay off.
I can’t say that I didn’t see exactly where the money was going while I was attending though.
My university was very nice. All of the facilities were aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. The dining commons had the most blissful air conditioning!! Me and my friends often stayed there, carrying on a conversation long after finishing eating, just to enjoy the comfortable temperature, especially in the summer. Our dorm rooms even had individual thermostats! Talk about feeling spoiled; my parents lorded over the thermostat my whole childhood! Still, there was one building that did not have the climate control set to a reasonable temperature. Actually, it was one particular room in the library, which had three floors. The computer labs were on the third floor, and it was positively ice-cold in there at pretty much all times! Perhaps it was because computer equipment requires very cool temperatures in order to function optimally, but my PC works just fine, and I’m not freezing to death in my bedroom right now! At least the frigid air helped one stay awake when pulling all-nighters trying to finish up term papers or study for exams. Yes, the library was open pretty much all hours. Actually, I had friends who were the opposite of me and complained that the cold A/C made them fall asleep while they were trying to study. I simply learned to wear a thick hoodie in the computer lab. I actually bought a university hoodie from the shop on the first floor of the library. Maybe they were trying to create a market for such attire.