I saved the president money on HVAC repairs

A gallant Heating & Air Conditioning professional once helped the president. Many people might question the truth of this story, but I think it is tscheme because I am the Heating & Air Conditioning pro who helped him. It was a cold dark night & I was on call to fix the central air conditioning . Many people might question the truth of this story, but I think it is tscheme because I am the Heating & Air Conditioning pro who saved him. It was a cold dark night & I was on call to fix the central air conditioning in the local president’s house. I took apart the central air conditioning & used our heating & cooling devices to fix it. I also changed the air filters over to HEPA air filters so that the president would have nice air quality in his home. When I was finished fixing up the central air conditioning, the president asked myself and others if I could also do a full heating tuneup on his brand new geothermal heat pump. He knew that heat pump service was vital, & because I was not a heating contractor I had the liberty to do a heating tuneup on his natural gas furnace separate from having to get it approved by our local cooling & heating dealer. When I finished that heating service inspection I found that the geothermal heat pump was in excellent condition & needed truly little attention. The president paid myself and others extra for these small services to him. I return to our Heating & Air Conditioning shop amazed that I have the choice to fix up the president Central air conditioning & do a heating tuneup on his geothermal heat pump.


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