The flood waters were rising very quickly

Everyone experienced a huge thunderstorm last night and it was an entirely traumatic event.

The window air conditioner component in my hallway has several small window shutters on the side and this helps to block out some of the elements.

I never entirely realized that the outdoor shutters weren’t sealed tightly. When I had days of hard rain, much of the Water started pouring underneath the AC unit. Instantly I began to unplug the air conditioner because I did not want a fire to be started. I did not want the water to severely just figure the air conditioner either. There was a large amount of water making a puddle by the air conditioner and this was entirely concerning to me. I was sure that I should try to contact the property owner. The property owner was only a phone call away and I decided to see what he would say about the problem. He said they would send someone out on the next morning to seal up around the air conditioner where no water could then come through. I was entirely grateful that I contacted the guy quickly because it was supposed to rain throughout the whole week and the both of us did not want to experience the problems with the air conditioner again. None of us wanted to really worry about our beach house getting flooded while we were at work during the day. After all of the problems that we endured and encountered that day, the both of us were entirely happy when the air conditioner problem was fixed once and for all.

air conditioning system