I dwell in an area where hurricanes happen most of the summer.
Needless for me to say I have to be prepared for a number of different outages of power. There are times when you don’t realize how multiple things are entirely powered by the energy running through your home. My dad consistently has a generator although the people I was with plus myself don’t have a single. We tend to be upset when we lose the power inside of the house. I actually have a wireless temperature control and it glitches frequently if there is no power in the house. Of course if the power is out then we don’t have to worry about running the air conditioner but it takes a very long time for the wireless temperature control device to reset itself after the power goes out. I’m not sure how to manually set up our temperature control to operate without Wireless and that will require a great bit of studying. I realize how impractical it can be to have a storm and no wireless. My grandmother consistently believes that the temperature controls with a dial are far more reliable and situations love this. I entirely don’t love studying for the changes that will happen with the wireless temperature control although I think this is something that you do when you have to work as an adult. It’s things love this that make everyone of Us wish that we were actually still living back at home with our parents. Things were simpler and easier then.
Air purification help