No A/C in hotel lobby

My partner and I went to a hotel to stay for a couple of mornings, then we were having the house fumigated plus we had to get a hotel close to work.

We could have stayed at a cheap venue close to the interstate, but we saw this as an occasion to really get away from the house plus relax in different settings.

We stayed in a really nice venue close to the river with a suite that had a Jacuzzi. We figured if we were going to stay in a hotel, it would be something nice with amenities that we do not have at home. We do not have an indoor heated pool at home plus we do not have a Jacuzzi either. We checked into the hotel room on a Sunday afternoon. The lobby of the hotel was seriously warm and humid, it did not feel like there was any cooling system running at all in the lobby. Other people were angry too. The lady at the concierge desk was giving people free dinner vouchers left and right because of the troubles with the cooling system in the lobby. Thankfully the problems were not the same once we reached our room. We did not really have any trouble at all with the A/C component inside of the room. We spent several days at the hotel. When we were getting ready to leave, the hotel was finally doing something about the trouble with the a/c. I do not suppose why they waited so long to have the concern fixed, however I’m guessing they gave away a lot of free food for the trouble.

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