This was not expected

I was pretty happily surprised when our property owner contacted me at the apartment I am renting & told me that he was going to be having a whole modern home air purification plan installed! This was not something I would ever expect from a property owner. Usually you are fortunate if you even can have a halfway good working central heating & cooling system. But getting a whole modern home air purification plan installed entirely shows that our property owner is one of a kind & not your proper slumlord so to speak that you expect when renting a home. The heating & air conditioner company that he is buying the whole modern home air purification plan from is set to come out next Sunday in the day to do the upgrade of the whole modern home whole-house air purifier. My property owner even worked it out with me for a time that I would be at home! Most property owners would make your life a living hell with something like this & make you miss time from toil to be around for things like this. I entirely have to say that I hit the jackpot in modern home rentals with this property owner. It is a shame that I have to transport at the end of this lease as I am going to be taking a task out of state next year. Otherwise I would stay here because this apartment is good & the property owner is great! I suppose I will never find a locale again that has such a good property owner & a good heating & air conditioner plan & now a whole modern home air purification plan that is about to be installed!
