I was seeing the TV the other night & I saw a commercial for some heating & air conditioner company advertising their heat & air conditioner modern home services. They were showing everything that the heating & air conditioner specialist does. One thing I did not suppose what they were doing was at one point in this commercial they were actually washing the central heating & air conditioner plan unit with a water hose! I have never seen that done before. I wonder what that was for? I suppose hosing down your central heating & air conditioner plan unit after a messy storm may be a good plan just so it isn’t entirely dirty, but why would a heating & air conditioner specialist be doing this? I almost wanted to call the heating & air conditioner company that was on the commercial & ask them! It entirely interested me. Was it just for show to look cool or was this something that has to do with heating & air conditioner service that I do not suppose about? I entirely would like to find this out. Maybe I will just ask our own heating & air conditioner specialist about it the next time they come to do some toil on our own central heating & air conditioner plan unit. I do not know. But I entirely wanna suppose what was going on! Heating & cooling systems are a mystery to me, I only suppose how to turn them off, turn them on & follow up with all the heating & air conditioner service that needs to be done on the heating & cooling units.