So I was really going to quit anyhow.
I was fired today from the heating and air conditioning company that I worked for. The reason they gave me the can was not because I did anything wrong or am a bad heating and air conditioning specialist. But it was because I had an argument with management over the pay I have been getting. I got pretty tough and mad to be honest. They have not been paying me what other heating and air conditioning companies are paying their certified heat and a/c specialists. In a way to tell you the truth if they had not fired me I would have most likely been quitting anyhow. I already have another job almost lined up with another heating and air conditioning company. I am just waiting for them to get back to me with a start date. I found this out yesterday. So I was really going to quit anyhow. I will not mention that I got fired if anyone asks me at the new upcoming heating and air conditioning company job that I will be having. I will just say I quit to come work for them if asked. The heating and air conditioning company I was working for is going to end up losing a lot of their heat and a/c workers if they do not start paying more money and paying what the going rate is for heat and a/c specialists. Many may end up starting their own heating and air conditioning companies and becoming independent heat and a/c specialists if this kind of thing keeps up.