The last time I called the local heating and air conditioning company for them to send out a certified heat and a/c specialist to repair my central heating and air conditioning system I was pretty surprised to see who showed up. It was actually a female heat and a/c specialist! I have not seen this before. Usually it is a guy heating and air conditioning specialist. I really think that this is good that they are giving females more of a chance at getting a career in the heating and cooling business. I have to admit too that this heat and a/c specialist was very good at what she did. She had my central heating and air conditioning system back up and running in no time at all. I think it was within about 15 or 20 mins. That was faster than any other heating and air conditioning specialist in the past has ever taken to repair my central heating and cooling unit. I was so impressed with how good this female heating and air conditioning specialist worked and got my HVAC system back up and running in little time that I gave her a cash tip, which is something I usually do not do with heating and cooling repair. I really hope the next time that I need any work done on my central heating and air conditioning system that I get this heating and cooling specialist again. She was possibly the best heating and air conditioning specialist I ever had in my whole entire full life!