The costs to cool the house are significant

It costs a lot of money to heat and cool a house with three bedrooms.

Each month my wife and I pay about $400 to heat and cool our home. The kids complain when I ask them to leave the thermostat at 73°. A lot of people will leave the temperature in their home even warmer to save money, but I compromised at 73 degrees, because I know that my family prefers the cooler temperatures. I was surprised when I received the heating and cooling bill this month, because it was significantly larger than it has been in the past 6 months. I talked to my wife about the bill first. I suggested there might be a problem with the HVAC unit. Even though the machine was only a few years old, I first thought it was a problem with the heating and cooling device. I talked to both of my children and I told them that the bills were significantly higher. I wanted to know if they recognized anything odd or strange in the house. Neither one of them had anything to say at the time. A couple of days later, my wife came to speak with me about the heating and cooling system. She told me that the children admitted to adjusting the air conditioner every day after school. I wanted to go through the roof, but I was happy that the kids told the truth. I could have spent a lot of money to have a repair technician come look at the system. Instead, I saved money and found out why the problem was occurring. After that the kids agreed to leave the thermostat at a set position.


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