Sticking with HVAC maintenance is the right call

I love where I live except for one detail.

And that would be by neighbor across the street.

Our house is great and I love our residential HVAC. Actually, we had the HVAC company replace the HVAC equipment when we moved here 15 years ago. Since that time, I’ve always made sure the HVAC gets HVAC maintenance in the fall and again in the spring. I love our yard and the flower beds and our garden. But I just really don’t care for my neighbor across the street. That man sits at the front door inside the air conditioning of his house just waiting for me to come outside. At that point he comes charging across the street to complain to me about being wronged by something. It’s truly a worn out act and I just wish he’d move away. I keep thinking that perhaps the real estate market will be so attracted it attractive to him that he’ll give up and sell. I’ve even had realtors call to gauge my interest and showing the house so he must be getting calls too. Anyway, my neighbor sees me walking the HVAC technician to his van and decides he needs to come over and let me know the truth about HVAC maintenance. Of course, this guy thinks it’s all a scam but then again he’s an idiot. In fact, I’ve never had even the slightest problem with my HVAC equipment in over 15 years. And this is absolutely due to the fact that I get consistent, seasonal HVAC maintenance every single year. No crank from across the street is going to change that.

HVAC products for sale