I spilled the beans again

I have to admit, I have trouble keeping secrets.This is why nobody ever wants to fill me in on anything they don’t want getting out.

  • This past Christmas for example, I overheard our parents talking about some gifts they wanted to get for us children! I heard them saying how they wanted to get us all smart window A/C units for our study rooms.

I was thinking how amazing that would be and I couldn’t wait to tell our siblings about the great news, however well, everybody was kind of mad at me, but my siblings were mad because they were expecting those smart window A/C units, but our parents ended up just upgrading the whole Heating and A/C system. They had a ductless multi-split system installed, basically, it was better than some window A/C units because we all suddenly had our own thermostats with our own customized temperature control in our rooms. I figured that our father must’ve gotten a nice Christmas bonus because usually he doesn’t go all out like that. Not only did we have the best Heating and A/C system for perfect comfort, but we got tons of other nice gifts. My sibling and I got new dirt bikes, our sister got a new big screen TV for her room and we got brand new phones! The awesome thing about our phones is that we all were able to get the special smart app for decreasing the temperature control settings in our rooms! It couldn’t be more convenient for us, especially when we’re busy doing homework or studying for tests.

quality hvac