I’ve been listening to this interesting talk show about improving your life & it seems basically like a lot of what they keep telling us is to quiet the mind & you will have a better experience of life. I suppose we really think too much as humans & a lot of these thoughts end up leading to suffering in some way, so to quiet the mind & let go of thinking seems as though it would lead to less suffering. I’ve been meditating at this local corporation for quite a few years now & I can certainly say that I am a less stressed person than previously. My boss at the heating & cooling corp has noticed a difference in me over the years & she even started to meditate at the same local corporation with this other modern business. They don’t charge any cash for this meditation course everyday, they just want to help the whole town become more present minded & calmer. The Heating & A/C rep who happens to run the meditation course has been meditating for 20 years. She did this every single morning & she is truly calm & relaxed every time I see her. Honestly, I would love to be kind of like that & I suppose if I keep meditating all the time I can be considerably calmer in the future than I am now. Sometimes when I am working on Heating & A/C appliance, it can be a stressful situation, & if I am not relaxed & in the moment I could get truly miserable. So I regularly make an attempt to stay in the moment, especially when working on heat pumps or AC compressors in someone’s dwelling.