The cemetery is spooky at night

The cemetery is particularly spooky at night.

I’ve never been a fan of going to the cemetery in the middle of the night to hang out and tell ghost stories.

When I was a kid, I thought it was superstitious. I did not go with my friends on Halloween. I stayed home with my Dad and dad and my sibling’s. I truthfully never spent much time in a cemetery until recently. I work for a national heating company and we are responsible for numerous of the commercial properties in the area, including the offices and Main area at the cemetery. When the gas furnace failed, the place made an appointment with our company to have the gas furnace updated. They could not have the gas furnace updated while in the morningtime minutes when patrons were there for services for their enjoyed a singles. The work had to be done in the middle of the night. My co-worker and I were assigned to the job at the spooky location. I swear that I saw a couple of eerie figures in the middle of the night, but I did not say anything to my co-worker. I suppose the girl would have given myself and others a hard time and told myself and others that I was afraid of the dark. It was eerie and weird to be at the cemetery and I did not want to be outside any longer than I particularly needed to. I could guess the presence of something or someone seeing me. It wasn’t menacing, but it particularly wasn’t friendly either. I was thankful we finished in a single night, because I did not want to return to the cemetery again.

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