Both of us ended up getting it in addition to the people I was with and I hooked up the condenser unit to the back of the van in addition to installed the indoor AC unit inside
My parents for the longest time had this outdated van that just sat in the back of our house, and my father constantly said she was going to replace the motor in the thing because it was a fine van in fairly fine condition, it just couldn’t drive someplace. My buddies in addition to I used to hang out in that van a lot in addition to would roll the windows down for a cool breeze. Most of the time, the people I was with and I would just play cards, chess, checkers, in addition to other such games. One time a acquaintance said she wished the people I was with and I had toiling air conditioning in the van. While there was an AC system, without a toiling engine that seemed impossible. Then I thought maybe the people I was with and I could hook up some solar panels in addition to use a window AC unit. Both of us really did this in addition to it worked, however the people I was with and I had to keep the window AC unit propped on the side of the van, however it kept the whole van cool! Both of us couldn’t guess how well that solar panel proposal worked, it was only 2 solar panels on the top of the van. Eventually, the people I was with and I saw a ductless mini split a/c for sale. Both of us ended up getting it in addition to the people I was with and I hooked up the condenser unit to the back of the van in addition to installed the indoor AC unit inside. This thing worked love a breeze. Eventually, the people I was with and I put a new engine in the van in addition to were able to ride around to weird camping sites in addition to the AC proposal constantly worked whether the van was off or on thanks to the Heating as well as Air Conditioning running off the solar panels.