Summer is just around the corner and the weather is really heating up.
I’m glad, too, because I was starting to think that it was just never going to start heating up here at all! The temperatures have been in the fifties for what seems like months now and I am just really sick of it. I think that spring should be nice and warm, and I really wish that the rain would go away for a while. Anyway, I know that summer is coming and that I just have to be patient. I need to teach myself to stop being so impatient all the time. I know that I could put my extra time to good use instead of complaining about it. For instance, it would be really good for me if I could get my HVAC system ready for the summer while I still have time. Last year, I put it off and I did not get my central air conditioning system ready for summer before the weather started heating up. That was something that I ended up regretting because when I needed the air conditioning system, it wasn’t really operating at peak performance and I had to call the HVAC company and have them come out and do an air conditioning tune up for me. This year, I would really like to get ahead of things. Then I could have my air conditioning system tuned up before the temperature gets too warm outside. It makes a whole lot more sense to get it done early than it does to wait until the last minute.
help with indoor comfort