If you are looking to find a portable space heater for sale fast the best place to look is online.
There are many websites out there that sell all kinds of portable heating and air conditioning equipment and thermostats from warehouse stock.
And most of the time you can get them a lot cheaper than they are in the stores. I picked up a brand new portable space heater from this one wholesale website for only 40 bucks! I am not kidding you. 40 bucks for a brand new and untouched, unused portable space heater. This is a deal you would never find in a store no matter what. Even if they had portable space heaters on sale in a store the most you would get them for is maybe 70 bucks. That is a 30 dollar difference! The internet has its ups and its downs, but one thing is for sure, and that is you can get great deals on portable space heaters, portable air conditioning systems and also all kinds of thermostats. With thermostats, you can get older model dial thermostats for as cheap as 16 bucks! And for digital thermostats you can get them for about 25 bucks. Smart thermostats are about the same though as in the store because they are still fairly new HVAC technology. But at the same time it is still worth it because it saves you the hassle of going to the store, dealing with people and money on gas for the car.
AC filter