I don’t need much to make me happy but I need my HVAC

My dad was a really important figure in my life.

He just really helped me understand just what it was going to take for me to get along in life.

That’s just an invaluable gift. Of course, he also provided a great home with quality heating and air for his family. And he would sacrifice his wants for the things that made us happy. He was the sort of dad that was engaged and supportive without pushing us too much. Out of college, I got a job with a big corporation. At first, it was really cool to be going to a downtown office where I had a desk inside the zone controlled HVAC. The salary was entry level but it was still more money than I’d ever seen and I was a bit hooked on making more. Over the course of the next 5 years or so, I chased that paycheck with promotions inside the zone controlled HVAC of that office. But I became less and less happy due to that choice. That’s when my dad had a heart to heart with me about being happy and trusting the money will come. I took his advice to heart and left that zone controlled HVAC for a much simpler life. Dad was right, it just doesn’t take that much to be happy and money is not going to do it alone. I have a small business that I love now and it’s thriving. I have my own small house and perfect heating and cooling from some great residential HVAC. I really don’t need all that much but when it comes to HVAC, it really does need to be some high quality heating and air.
