The greatest gift of all

I have a cousin who is well off with money. And recently out of the clear blue of nowhere he got me what I think is the best gift of all. He bought a ductless mini split air conditioning system and gave it to me! He knew that I had been wanting to get a ductless mini split air conditioning system for a while now and that I could not afford to do so. Out of the kindness of his heart he bought me one. I didn’t really know what to say I was in such shock. It isn’t all the time that my cousin does things like this. Like most rich folks, he’s very cheap with his money and rarely helps anyone out or gives anyone anything huge like this. I said thank you and told him how much I appreciated it. This ductless mini split air conditioning system is going to be placed in the basement where in the summer it gets quite hot. I have a little hobby workshop down there. I had tried portable air conditioning systems before and they just do not have the power that is needed to cool the place off. The ductless mini split air conditioning system on the other hand does and I knew that. This is why I really wanted one. I will have to do something nice for my cousin sometime when I can afford to. He doesn’t need anything from anyone, but maybe taking him out to a nice dinner on me or something would be a good gesture to say thank you for the ductless mini split air conditioning system!

New heating units