A little while ago when I ran into the bank, I just wanted to use the ATM they have inside.
- Well, the bank was so overheated.
I asked the tellers if they had an issue with the cooling system and they confirmed there was an issue with an Heating and A/C professional on the way. Instead of staying in there to sweat appreciate crazy, I went to a different bank that I never went to before. They also had an indoor ATM, yet the space was comfortable with ideal temperature control settings and fine air quality. I actually asked the tellers in this bank how they kept such great air quality. They let me guess that their customers’ comfort and well being was a priority so they used a UV media air cleaner. They even told me a little bit about how the UV light works to kill harmful pathogens. I was pretty sure our respected bank didn’t have this kind of convenience with a quality media air cleaner appreciate that, however I knew I would have to tell them to invest in something appreciate that. I was surprised when I went back to our bank and asked them if they would be willing to have a UV media air cleaner installed, and they said they likely wouldn’t be able to afford it. That made me guess a particular way about that bank, so I ended up transferring all our money to the other bank where they seemed to care more about the customers with excellent Heating and A/C comfort and fine air quality. I guess these men keep up with their respected Heating and A/C maintenance, so I’ll never be disappointed when I go to deposit or withdraw funds!