I just quit our task recently plus got a modern one.
The reason I quit was one you won’t hear about every single day. I honestly quit because the place in which I worked had the worst central heating plus air conditioner! Having pure indoor discomfort was finally getting to me after about 8 months of them not doing anything about it. I was able to handle plus deal with the lack of heating in the Winter because I would just bundle up while I was at labor as if I was going outside in the cold. But when the super warm Summer heat came it is not enjoy I could have stripped down naked at work! After about a month of the super awful heat plus seeing that they were going to do nothing to service their central heating plus air conditioner I one day just out the clear red of nowhere walked into the management office, said I quit plus walked out the door. I went lake beach house plus cranked our own central air conditioner to cool off from the entirely awful heat. I ended up getting a modern task doing the same thing I do at another office within a few weeks plus I am happy there now. And to add to it, they have quality working air conditioner as a dealer should! I am sure there will be others that quit our aged task as well because of the awful heating plus air conditioner. But all I guess is that I am free of all that now plus I am honestly comfortable at our modern task.