I tried to help

My lady has an issue with her heating & air conditioner plan in her car! Me being a certified heat & air conditioner specialist who actually works as an independent business thought maybe I could be of some help.

However dealing with automobile heating & cooling systems is not something us heat & air conditioner specialists do or were ever trained on.

I figured I would just use our knowledge of respected heating & air conditioner & try to fix it that way. Needless to say this did not work. Both types of heating & cooling systems are totally different. I did not want to make things worse, so I told our lady that the best thing she could do is just take it to the auto mechanic & have them fix it. They will suppose what to do. I assume in the future they should add automobile heating & air conditioner repair to the training they supply Heating, Ventilation & A/C specialists in heating & cooling university. I assume it would help get more tasks & also it could be much more convenient for some. But that is just our opinion. Having a automobile heating & air conditioner plan & a central heating & air conditioner plan are 2 different things. And auto mechanics deal with automobile heating & air conditioner plan units. It entirely is part of the automobile & how it functions more than the ways of familiar heating & air conditioner. I explained this to our girl & she understood totally. So I hope the auto mechanic can fix her car’s heating & cooling system.

air conditioning