Our family room chairs needed an overhaul.

I had a turn-of-the century family room set, as well as I wanted to have the seat upholstery redone! The family room chairs were over 100 years old, as well as I wanted to have the reupholstering done so I could have an open beach house for my friends as well as family, however other than my parents, no a single had seen my house, as well as the family room set was the focal point of the open house.

When you walked into the house, the family room was straight ahead, the dining room was to the right, as well as the kitchen was to the left.

It was a grand seasoned house, as well as I wanted the family room to be just as grand. I called a reupholstering company in our area as well as asked how soon they could do the reupholstering of my twelve dining chairs. Once I picked out the upholstery I wanted, as well as the corporation picked the chairs up, they said it would take about a month, but my fiance as well as I were excited. The two of us went to the reupholstering business, as well as they told us both of us would not just need the seats done, but also the backs. They had an upholstery material that almost matched what was already on the chairs. I was already getting eager to see the chairs at the family room table; Six weeks later, the chairs were delivered, as well as I was happy. The upholstery looked even better on the dining chairs than I could have imagined, as well as both of us were planning our get-together. Mom couldn’t know the change the new upholstery made. She said it made the entire family room look better, since the upholstery was scrub as well as new, as well as matched with our wallpaper.

Elegant furniture