I wanted to talk to the HVAC professional.

He was heading for the door when I asked if I could talk to him? I asked him why he chose HVAC as a work, & if he ever regretted.

During my junior year of high college, I attended a job fair. They had several booths with HVAC professional from weird HVAC companies in the area. I enjoyed listening to them talk about how exciting it was to be HVAC professionals. When I got home, I talked to my dad & told him I was considering becoming an HVAC professional & not going to college. He was okay with my not going to college as long as I got a work that would get me through life. He didn’t want me to not go to college & shuffle through life with a job at a fast food counter. I had just graduated high college when my father had the HVAC professional come to the loft to do repair & repair on the a/c unit. While he was there, I wanted to talk to the HVAC professional & see if he thought he had made a enjoyable option in works. While my dad was talking to him, I waited patiently for my turn. He was heading for the door when I asked if I could talk to him? I asked him why he chose HVAC as a work, & if he ever regretted. He said that almost everyone had regrets about their work choice, however you had to weigh the regrets against the rewards. When he said he always had something happen through the morning that made him laugh, it did not impress me. He also said he helped numerous people. He finally looked at me & said people had weird reasons for loving their job, however one never said they wished they hadn’t become an HVAC professional, even if they changed jobs.
HVAC serviceman