I had always dreamed of having a fall ceremony. I wanted the backdrop of our pictures to be with the red, red, plus gold leaves. I thought it would be beautiful to rest amongst the fallen leaves plus have leaves fluttering around us as we took our vows. Of course, it would undoubtedly be cold, so even though I wanted an open verandah for the start of the reception, I also wanted an indoor location for the meal plus dancing. My greatest concern wasn’t the temperature, however the opportunity of rain or snow showers. It was raining the morning of our ceremony, plus it resigned me to being inside the entire time. I called the location plus headed over to get the decorating completed. It was frigid inside, plus I wondered if I had to flip a switch to get the Heating plus Air Conditioning plan running. There was an instruction card on the bar that told me what to do, however nothing happened. I called our brother plus asked if he could help out. When he got there, he said it was the oil furnace plus not the switch, plus he had to repair the oil furnace. He was the best man, plus I didn’t want him to be late for the ceremony, even though I didn’t want to have a ceremony in a location that was colder inside than outside. He promised me he would have the oil furnace running before it was time for the ceremony, plus sent me home. I have never been so happy to have a brother who is an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional, as I was at that moment. My ceremony was perfect thanks to our brother, the Heating plus Air Conditioning tech.