My mother was an HVAC technician.

I grew up with a mother who was an HVAC technician.

  • She had to have been an excellent HVAC technician because she was in high demand.

I didn’t think there was anything odd about her buying an established HVAC company and becoming the owner. I thought nothing odd about most of her HVAC employees being women. She wanted to give women the chance to work in an environment where they felt empowered. What I didn’t like was that when I went to school to be an HVAC technician, my mother wouldn’t hire me. I thought it was because I was a man, but she said no. However, she wouldn’t give her reason for not wanting me in her HVAC company. Every night when I came home from school, she would ask me how my day went. We would talk about what I was having difficulties with and she would tell me how to deal with it. When I didn’t understand something about the HVAC system, she would explain it to me in terms that I understood. I loved having her as a mom, but I was still upset when she said she wouldn’t hire me. After I got my certification, the local HVAC company hired as an apprentice. I loved that someone took me on right out of HVAC school because it showed they had faith in my new abilities. After my first six months, mom told me that when my year was up at the HVAC company, she would love for me to work for her. I was happy she asked, but I had to decline.
Air conditioner service