I never really wanted to become a pro banker, but my parents really seemed to want me to for some reason. I easily really wanted to attend our local trade school so that I could become an Heating plus A/C worker. I thought about doing that line of work for such a long time, plus some of my buddies back in private school had a plan to do the same thing. I really wanted to go along plus do the same thing with them plus possibly 1 day open up our own Heating plus A/C supplier, but my parents managed to foil those plans. They just could not get over the fact that they wanted me to become a professional banker plus follow in my father’s footsteps. They could not understand that I just wasn’t more like he was plus that I needed to be doing something bizarre with my life. I greatly dislike working inside all the time, plus I would really rather be doing something with my hands whenever possible, but going to school I worked at that job for about 10 years, until I finally just got sick of it all. I recently went back to technical school plus I got my heating plus cooling certification so that I could finally become a pro Heating plus A/C worker. Now, I am living my dream plus I am doing exactly what I always wanted to do. I prefer easily working as a pro Heating plus A/C worker here in the village plus it’s really fun to be doing something that involves working mostly with my hands plus driving around to bizarre sites all morning. It certainly beats being stuck at a desk all morning, that’s for sure.