Cheap Vs. Expensive Air Filters

Price and quality are important factors to consider when buying an air filter.

Besides removing dust from the air and preventing allergies, a good air filter is also more expensive.

A cheap air filter differs from an expensive one. Here are some differences between the two. Filters that are cheap don’t last as long as those that are expensive. Cheap air filters are usually made from paper and cardboard. Materials are cheap to manufacture, but not durable. Cheap filters capture half the dust or pollen before becoming clogged and needing replacement, requiring twice the maintenance time (and twice the cost) of expensive filters. They may also need to be replaced more frequently if exposed to heat or moisture. High-quality materials are used in expensive air filters. Fiberglass is a porous material that can trap more dust and pollen than other materials like cardboard or paper. Additionally, fiberglass resists moisture and doesn’t tear as easily as other materials. The cost of manufacturing it is higher, but it lasts longer and requires less maintenance. You will be able to filter more particulate matter if your air filter has a higher MERV rating. Investing in a high-quality air filter that costs a few extra dollars can keep dust and other contaminants out of your lungs as well as reduce indoor allergens. There may be fewer pleats (sometimes called folds) in a cheap air filter, which reduces the surface area for trapping contaminants. Cheap air filters aren’t as effective at removing dust and other contaminants. In homes with more people, pets, and perhaps someone with a respiratory problem, this is especially true. In the long run, it will cost you more to replace them.



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