Lots of changes but still able to get my HVAC comfort

The ductless heat pump in my new home office is just fantastic

For sure, there is really only this one life to live. And to take that thought a bit further, each moment is really all that we have. It’s a sort of a new mantra for me. Honestly, for the first time in my life I’m coming to understand just what having one life to live actually means. I think working so much inside the commercial HVAC of my fancy office stole some perspective. I’m not going to get it into regrets about my choices. But for me, I’d had enough of that sort of life. By the time I was in my mid fifties, I had the corner office with my own thermostat. This was really something for me and I had worked hard to attain that level. And having my own HVAC thermostat was pretty fancy. But when I look at it now, it all seems so empty. All that work, energy and sacrifice to just have more stuff and better HVAC in my office seemed empty. I just couldn’t do it anymore and I finally walked out of the commercial HVAC and left it to somebody else. I knew it was going to be interesting and life was going to come with a lot of changes now. I was also no longer married so it was just me and the rest of my life. I upgraded the HVAC equipment in my new condo in order to have a great home office. The ductless heat pump in my new home office is just fantastic. I’m loving doing some freelance consulting as well as teaching a bit about my industry at the local Community College. My life is much simpler now but I still do enjoy that great HVAC inside my office.
heat pump service