Snow blasted the east coast this past weekend! There were driving bans and I am the fool that got stuck in a store 10 miles from home.
I should’ve called off that afternoon however the visibility was just poor outside.
There were a few customers stuck in the store with myself and others and well as they were thinking about risking going home. I was able to convince them to stay indoors as I did not want anything bad to happen to them and did not want that on my conscious. The nice thing about us staying in the store is that the people I was with and I had central heating so the people I was with and I will continue to be warm, and other than that a single of the customers works for the Heating as well as A/C business so he was a heating expert. I am blissful he was stuck with us however I could tell on his face he would rather be lake house with his family. He was on the PC a lot however ensured us that he is here to help if needed. Both of us had plenty of food and blow-up mattresses in boxes if I had to pull them out. The customers were severely nice and just wanted us to turn on a single of the TVs to watch the weather so they could stay current on what is going on. That weekend was just insane and the people I was with and I all spent more than two afternoons in there. The electricity flickered on and off at a single point however I wasn’t sad as the people I was with and I did have a generator that would kick on. Thankfully by the end of afternoon more than two the people I was with and I heard a plow move the snow and the people I was with and I all stepped outside! You can see tons of snow and shoveling out my motorcar that afternoon was awful.