Using our electric oven as a temporary heating plan

The heating component went out in our apartment at least a month ago, possibly longer, then at first, I wasn’t too worried because it was not Winter yet, as well as the fall weather was still fairly warm, however not only that, but there were a lot of repairs that were going to be done at our home, as well as I figured the landlord would notice the malfunctioning heating component as well as repair it; I know I should have known better than that, because the oil furnace system went unobserved as well as was never repaired, and by the time I let our landlord know of the issue, it was already the start of winter, but the landlord tried to call out their heating as well as air conditioner service man, but he was already booked with other heating as well as cooling repair appointments. The landlord told me that the waiting time was another 2 weeks, and well, I couldn’t go without heating for 2 weeks, as well as while I considered getting a space heater, I heard some bad things about those as well as the thought of a fire hazard in an apartment did not sit well with me. I decided to use our electric oven as a heating source, as well as I would keep our electric oven open with a fan above it, blowing all of the moderate air out as well as further into our apartment. Thankfully, I didn’t have to do this too often, as the heat was great enough to last a while. I will be glad to have our familiar gas furnace back though, because decreasing the thermostat is much easier than using the electric oven.

indoor air quality