I appreciate my air conditioner

Today is a day I’m staying inside.

It’s just way too hot to be outside.

We hit a record high temperature of 102 degrees and there is no breeze. I guess if I really wanted to feel that I’ll just turn on my oven and stick my head in it. I guess today I will stay in and catch up on this TV series everyone keeps telling me about. The air conditioning is on full blast today just to make me feel comfortable. If that goes down today I wouldn’t know what I would do. Speaking of which, as I look out the window I see that the Andersons have a HVAC van in their driveway. I’m guessing their central air is out again. They have had many problems with their HVAC system and really should look into updating everything. They are nice people but I know they are struggling financially a bit. I wish I could help, maybe if I was ever to win the lottery. They have helped me so much over the years with watching my kids, shoveling my driveway in the winter, trimming my bushes, etc. All I know is that I can count on them when I need it. I definitely would like to repay them the favor of helping me so much. I just remembered I have to pick my son up from swim class later so I’m eventually going to have to leave this place and enter the desert. I better bring plenty of water then. Until then I’ll see if the Andersons like to come over if they are having issues with their air conditioning unit.


quality heating