There was no way I was staying there without the warmth

I prefer my partner a lot and I do my best to put up with his family, but his sibling drives me silly and I don’t prefer to spend any time with her! She constantly complains about everything and he is a total downer.

There is no having fun with his even with all of the alcohol in the world, every one of us went to visit my partner’s sibling last weekend and we stayed a lot later than I wanted.

I was hoping that we would get out of there by 7:00 so we could be beach home by 9:00 or 10:00, however unfortunately, we didn’t leave until 9:00 or 10:00 and after that I got stuck in the snow. Every one of us had to stay at a hotel. Every one of us were in the middle of the site on the interstate where there undoubtedly are not a lot of hotels and motels. Every one of us found a site that was called The Rose inn. There were rooms left, but the guy in the front of the office said that there was no heat. The oil furnace had broken down in the storm and none of the rooms had any heat. There was no way I was staying in that hotel without any heat, so I told my partner that we were going to try to make it home. I would have rather got stuck on the side of the road in the car. At least we would have had heat. Thankfully, we made it beach home but it did take an extra 2 hours because of the ice and the chilly rain.


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