A zoned system is good stuff

Do you notice that a single area of your home is always hotter or cooler than the others? Are you always having to reset the thermostat because someone in your household prefers a different temperature, or because the room you are in has become progressively warmer throughout the afternoon? You may want to consider zoning your home so that you can control the temperature separately in different areas, or zones.

  • Multiple thermostats are used instead of a single central thermostat to measure and adjust the temperature in numerous different locations.

As a result, you can save energy by preventing some rooms from overheating or overcooling, and reducing the heating and cooling loads in empty rooms. Having a zoning method might not be a necessity for every home, however it might be a nice plan if certain conditions are met. You may want to consider zoning if some rooms in your condo acquire more direct sun than others or if your condo has three or more stories. Your home might benefit from zoning if parts of it were built using different materials or standards. And when you add an addition to an older house you may encounter this problem. Typically, the newer portion is likely to have different insulation ratings and different HVAC needs.


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