I spend a little extra on heating and air conditioning because of my pets

I figured this out really quickly when I came home one evening in the winter shortly after rescuing the cats to find them huddled on my bed nestled in the blankets

I have a couple of cats that I absolutely adore. I rescued both of them from the stray life when I discovered them at the back of the building where I work two years ago. They were both skinny and lanky, but thankfully, they were otherwise healthy and did not have any issues going on with them. They were both barely beyond kitten stage, though there didn’t seem to be a mother in the picture. My cats have brought me joy and respite from loneliness, so I do my best to give them the love that they deserve. This included spending a little more money on air conditioning and heating that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Before I owned any pets, I would simply either shut down my air conditioning system or heating system while I was away at work, or set the thermostat in such a way that the heat or air conditioner was almost guaranteed not to kick in. It wasn’t a big deal for me to come back home to a warm or cold house and let the air conditioner or heater bring things back up to a comfortable temperature. However, with the extreme temperatures that we endure in this part of the country, I knew that this was not going to be a tenable option for my two furry friends. I knew that I would have to leave the air conditioner or the heat running to a certain extent to keep them comfortable. I figured this out really quickly when I came home one evening in the winter shortly after rescuing the cats to find them huddled on my bed nestled in the blankets. I had left the heat off and the temperature on the thermostat read 59° when I got home. From then on, I’ve been entirely willing to pay a little extra money on my energy bills if it means that my cats are comfortable as they wait for me to return from work.

energy saving tips