My partner is from a small village in the Southern part of the country.
When I say small, I mean the people in the village all know each other… Most have been there for the course of their lives and did not choose to leave.
Thankfully, my partner wanted to get out and find his own way, and he did. He hasn’t lived there in over 25 years, and the last time he went back, it was because of his uncle’s funeral arrangements. I went with him on that actual trip, and I was really stunned at how small that venue happened to be… Being from a massive city, I am not used to venues similar to that. When we were there, we actually stayed at my partner’s cousin’s property. I genuinely wanted to stay at a hotel that was close to 15 minutes away, but my partner insisted that we should be around loved ones. However, that was a major mistake. You see, this was in the middle of the warm season, and his cousin had no cooling equipment in his dwelling. Most of the properties in the village were built several years ago before central air was affordable. So, they depended a great deal on fans to keep them cool. My partner was alright without a cooling system, but I was not happy about it. The standing fan we were working with did nothing but circulate the sizzling air inside our room. So, after the first night, I told my partner that I am not staying in that property for the duration of our visit. That night, the two of us drove to the hotel that was merely 15 minutes away. That night, I slept essentially like a baby in an air conditioned hotel room.