I am a dedicated heating as well as a/c worker for one of our local Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C companies here in my city.
- I do whatever it takes to get things done as well as will always be dedicated to my work.
This is why when they got entirely busy last Summer as well as required overtime in order to keep your job as well as not get fired, I went for it while many others either let them fire them or quit on the spot as well as went to find toil with other heating as well as a/c companies that did not require this overtime thing. I decided to take it as well as stay on because I have put so many years into the tough toil at this heating as well as cooling dealer. I was not about to have to start over at some unusual as well as unknown heat as well as cooling system dealership as well as have to build my way up. I am not a kid fresh out of heating as well as a/c school as I was 20 years ago. I care about to toil extra hard, get the currency for it as well as stick where I am. The overtime stint lasted for about 3 months. The other people who left should have just stuck it out as I did because not only did I get a big bonus because of it, I also got promoted to chief heating as well as a/c specialist in the Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C dealer because of my tough toil as well as tough dedication to being a team player. You can toil in heating as well as cooling or an office, if you are not a team player, the dealer you toil for will eventually fire you.