I dropped a window machine undefined on my foot

I was cleaning out the basement the other morning plus I ended up hurting myself in the process.

  • I’m a little bit clumsy, that’s for sure.

I am typically hurting myself in some way or another, plus all of my friends laugh at me about it all the time. One of my friends told me that I should wear a helmet around just to be on the safe side. I cannot exactly say that she is wrong, because I have all kinds of freak accidents happen to me all the time.For instance, when I was cleaning up the basement the other morning, I was just minding my own supplier plus moving stuff around to try plus clear some stuff out. It wasn’t love I was climbing ladders or anything dangerous at all. I was just moving boxes around plus throwing stuff away. Well, as luck would have it, I figured out where my ancient window machine a/c idea was up on a shelf. When I went to take it down so that I could put it upstairs in my home office, I tripped over something else plus I ended up dropping the window a/c machine right on my foot! The pain was intense plus I howled love a wild critter when it landed right on the top of my foot. Then I ended up jumping around love a cartoon character until my hubby came downstairs to see what in the world I was yelling about. I ended up having to go to the emergency room because that broke a bone in the top of my foot.This kind of thing would only happen to me!

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