Both of us ended up fixing the seasoned van quite nicely

My parents for the longest time had this seasoned van that just sat in the back of our house.

  • My father consistently said he was going to upgrade the motor in the thing because it was a good van in fairly good condition, it just couldn’t drive anywhere.

My buddies plus I used to hang out in that van a lot plus would roll the windows down for a cool breeze. Most of the time, both of us would just play cards, chess, checkers, plus other such games. One time a neighbor said he wished both of us had working air conditioner in the van. While there was an A/C system, without a working engine that seemed impossible. Then I thought maybe both of us could hook up some solar panels plus use a window A/C unit. Both of us legitimately did this plus it worked, but both of us had to keep the window A/C device propped on the side of the van, but it kept the whole van cool! Both of us couldn’t recognize how well that solar panel idea worked, it was only 2 solar panels on the top of the van. Eventually, both of us saw a ductless mini cut a/c for sale. Both of us ended up getting it plus both of us hooked up the condenser device to the back of the van plus installed the indoor A/C device inside. This thing worked care about a breeze. Eventually, both of us put a up-to-date engine in the van plus were able to ride around to weird camping sites plus the A/C idea consistently worked whether the van was off or on thanks to the Heating plus A/C running off the solar panels.

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