Last week, I was mindlessly scrolling through social media, it’s crazy how much time we spend doing nothing on the internet, but before I knew it, an hour passed, plus I consumed so much information in addition to videos, but well, while scrolling, I came across an ad by an Heating, Ventilation & A/C corporation that was promoting cleaning ductworks! And this ad showed how dirty the ductworks were. I was shocked to see the amount of build up inside of them. And it made myself and others suppose of the ducts in our home. I have lived here for about 5 years now, plus I have never cleaned them. So, I can’t begin to imagine what has built up over the years, but thankfully, I don’t have a pet, plus I don’t smoke so I am assuming it isn’t so bad. But I am sure that there is a lot of dust, debris in addition to insect carcasses. The recommendation for ductwork cleaning is to do it as needed, for instance, if you notice an odor coming from your vents, it could be a dead creature trapped inside the ductwork, plus you should legitimately get it cleaned. Also, if you notice any unusual odors or see visible signs of mold, an ductwork cleaning is suggested , but however, after seeing that advertisement, I have tied up to have them cleaned. I would rather have clean ductworks than ones with a lot of excess build up. The great news is, once I get it done now, I don’t need to do it for another 3 to 5 years.