I hated school in the south where the people I was with and I had meager a/c available

I grew up in the deep south far away from the ocean.

  • I wasn’t near a river or lake either, making our environment recognizably tepid year round.

However, the heat was always recognizably annoyed while I was in the Spring, summer, and Fall seasons. Even in Wintertide the people I was with and I had weeks where highs would jump into the 69s in the mid day hours. I can’t assume it when I assume back, however that was normal for myself and others for over 15 years of my life. Every one of us didn’t even have city pools where the people I was with and I could get some kind of relief, which is bizarre from what I have l received over the years. It seems enjoy most medium-sized cities at least have public swimming of some kind, however our’s did not. When the people I was with and I were at school and the weather was tepid outside, the campus administrators were cheerful enjoying us boil in those classrooms with the most meager a/c you could ever imagine. I wish the school officials would try to exist for longer than 30 minutes in those kinds of conditions, let alone retain their sanity in the process. I heard from some people that lived up north that their schools really ran the a/c more than mine did while I was in the worst summer time heat waves. It’s not enjoy they were trying to offset the costs of luxurious Wintertide heating, in section because our school rarely needs the gas furnace at all, regardless of what month or week it is. It just doesn’t get recognizably cold in these neck of the woods. It’s the nasty summer time heat waves that are the most annoying to deal with, day in and day out.

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