I clean so much more now that I have an air conditioner

I never thought that buying an air conditioner could change old habits.

  • I used to really struggle to clean my house.

It was no fun whatsoever. I would have to basically bribe myself in order to motivate myself to clean my own house. I grew up in a family that rarely cleaned. We hired people to clean for us, so I was not used to cleaning up after myself. I cannot really afford to hire anyone to clean my house, so I have to clean it myself as most people do. I used to put it off for weeks and weeks until it got so bad that even I couldn’t stand it anymore. Then, I would take two days and just clean the whole thing. It was not a good habit to say the least. Surprisingly enough, since I got my air conditioner a few weeks ago, I have not had nearly as much trouble cleaning my house. I guess the fact that it was hot and muggy in my house before really hindered me from cleaning as I should have. Now that I have an air conditioner, and my house is nice and cool, I feel like cleaning more often. It is truly a miracle. I just cannot believe how much I love to clean up after myself now. It is really weird, but I am not going to complain. I love having air conditioning at my house! Not only does the air conditioner cool my house, but it also helps me keep my house in tip-top shape.


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